Professional personal coaching

The journey to vitality of health is rarely one that can be taken alone. Together we rise.

My Services

Knowledge, strategies, accountability and belief in you


The state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by chronic work stress over an extended period of time.

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Stress Management

It is possible to manage stress and once you have learned how the positive benefits will be felt across all aspects of your life.

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CBT for Insomnia

More effective than sleeping medication, CBT-I helps you overcome the underlying causes of your sleep problems.

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Lifestyle Change

Need help to lose weight, quit smoking, drink less, work out, save money, change jobs, ask for a pay rise or something else?

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Weight Loss

Not just about diet. There is more than one player in this game! Stress, sleep, habits, thoughts, mindfulness and more!

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Grey Area Drinking

Grey area drinkers are not alcoholics but they also aren’t ‘every now and then’ drinkers either. They are somewhere in-between.

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Emotional Release

When emotions aren’t expressed or released at the time they are stored in the body and can manifest physically.

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Decision Making

Do you have a decision to make? Talking to an ‘outsider’ can provide clarity and help map out the path to get there.

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Rebuilding After Breakup

There are many strategies you can implement to help you get through a breakup and start to rebuild who you are again.

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Get Started Today

Don’t put off starting any longer. It will never be the perfect time. You deserve to feel better and live the life you want to live!

Why Get Coached

Are you wondering what a personal coach can do for your career and wellbeing?

  • Have you tried everything from Atkins Diet to Lite’n’Easy and still struggle with your weight?
  • Do you constantly lay in bed at night and get frustrated you can never fall asleep?
  • Are you often hungover or hot with anxiety most mornings?
  • Do you dread going into work thinking it’s going to be a bad day before your day even begins?
  • Do you suffer from the feeling of being in a ‘rut’ and not sure what to do, or how to get out of this cycle?
  • Know you want to change your career but not sure what to do because you’ve never done anything else?
  • Constantly remind yourself you should be focusing on your health, but always fall back into old patterns?

You are the expert in your own life but we don’t know what we don’t know. Working with a coach can fill a knowledge gap around the mechanisms behind what is going on for you, put strategies in place to start healing and growing, hold you accountable and continuously work to overcome barriers to success. Sometimes we all need someone who believes in us just a little bit more than we believe in ourselves. One person can make all the difference.

There are many types of coaches, counsellors and therapists so it can be hard to know which one is best for you. One of the biggest factors that will determine your success is the relationship you form with your coach or therapist so pick the one you feel you can form a connection with.

Life is so short. Too short to be spending it living a life you aren’t happy with. The decision to work with a coach or therapist is a sign of courage, a sign of self-respect, of you wanting more for yourself and demonstrates that you have the drive to be a better version of yourself. “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and it also wasn’t built by one person alone.

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Corporate Program

12 Week Course

Promoting workplace wellness and reducing stress should be the number one focus in every business. Happy and healthy employees are productive, efficient, engaged, will keep your customers happy and make you more money.

I partner with corporates to educate & coach their employees and management on many aspects of their health & wellbeing and implement positive lifestyle change so they can lead a more balanced, authentic and healthy life.

  • Burnout prevention and recovery
  • Sleep
  • Re-training thoughts
  • Emotional processing
  • Stress management
  • Nutrition
  • Alcohol
  • Personal development

If you are an employer or an employee ready to make a real impactful change for yourself or your organisation please schedule a call so I can learn about you and your business and how we can work together.

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The hardest part is picking up the phone or sending an email to ask for help the first time. Everyone feels nervous doing that – even me! Don’t put it off any longer!